Home Sports NXT’s Nikkita Lyons’ Horrible News About ACL Recovery – Billionschannel

NXT’s Nikkita Lyons’ Horrible News About ACL Recovery – Billionschannel

NXT’s Nikkita Lyons’ Horrible News About ACL Recovery – Billionschannel


After being attacked in the parking lot by a mystery assailant, Nikkita Lyons turned up to NXT for an interview with McKenzie Mitchell to provide some very unfortunate news about her leg and her status as an active roster member moving forward.

“You know, it was a successful surgery,” Nikkita Lyons said. “The doctors said I’ll probably be out for the next 11 to 12 months but my goal? Imma be back in that ring a year, it’s happening. And as for that night? I wish I could tell you who it was but I was clipped from behind. One moment I was walking out, the next I was down. I know there are a lot of suspects, but I…”

Before Lyons could continue, who but Tiffany Stratton broke into the conversation to provide her unprovoked two cents.

“Um, why is anybody still talking about you?” Stratton asked. “All this is a waste of TV time when it could be dedicated to the center of the universe.”

After denying that she had anything to do with Lyons’ attack, Stratton provided the NXT Universe with a… well, you’ll see.

“I just had a Tiffany epiphany,” Stratton said. “What if you vanish from NXT for a full year? Ready? Go. Tootles!”

Welp, there you go; Stratton probably isn’t the person who attacked Lyons, and even if she was, it’s not like it matters, as Zoey Stark’s former tag team partner is out for the rest of the year. Maybe 2024 will be Lyons’ year, as the vast majority of 2023 certainly won’t be.


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