Home Entertainment Maverick’ Director Joseph Kosinski Talks Steven Spielberg, Tom Cruise Viral Moment & Teases Brad Pitt-Starring Formula One Film – Deadline-Billionschannel

Maverick’ Director Joseph Kosinski Talks Steven Spielberg, Tom Cruise Viral Moment & Teases Brad Pitt-Starring Formula One Film – Deadline-Billionschannel

Maverick’ Director Joseph Kosinski Talks Steven Spielberg, Tom Cruise Viral Moment & Teases Brad Pitt-Starring Formula One Film – Deadline-Billionschannel

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Joseph Kosinski, the director of Top Gun: Maverick, was at the DGA Awards where he talked about the viral moment between Steven Spielberg and Tom Cruise.

“[It] was pretty surreal for many reasons that are obvious,” Kosinski told Deadline about watching Spielberg telling Cruise that their movie “saved Hollywood.”

Kosinski continued, “I grew up watching Steven’s movies — a huge inspiration to me. To see him and Tom have that conversation about this film — pretty mind-blowing.”

The filmmaker added that it was gratifying to have waited a “long two years” to release the film in theaters adding, “I knew that we made this film to be seen on the big screen and release it any other way, just wouldn’t be doing it justice. That’s what kept us all in there while we were waiting and thank God we did because I think the day was perfect and the results have been spectacular.”

Kosinski also shared that he had “so many incredible memories” while filming Top Gun: Maverick saying, “being out on a carrier in the Pacific Ocean watching Tom catapult off the deck in a F/A-18. Great memories with my incredible crew and this cast that I’m so thrilled with how well they gelled because you just never know when you’re choosing actors how it’s all going to come together. And to see them form this bond between them that stands to this day.”

The director is also working on his next film which will star Brad Pitt about a Formula One race driver that comes out of retirement to race again. Kosinski teased that the film was “coming fast” in the second half of this year. He added that he is currently immersing himself in that world, “it’s fascinating. I can’t wait to show people behind the scenes. We’re going to be shooting on the tracks with real cars and trying to take everything I learned in Top Gun to apply to Formula One. It’ll be fun.”

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