Home Insurance Auto insurance Insurance Providers Deny Coverage for Select Hyundai and Kia Vehicles

Insurance Providers Deny Coverage for Select Hyundai and Kia Vehicles

Insurance Providers Deny Coverage for Select Hyundai and Kia Vehicles

You’ve likely heard about the rise in Hyundai and Kia thefts attributed to TikTok, where the absence of an immobilizer has essentially opened the door to thieves. In addition to the anxiety caused by the possibility of having your car stolen at any moment, insurance companies now seem less inclined to cover the vehicles.

During a conversation with Progressive Insurance, The Drive learned that some Hyundai and Kia vehicles were no longer eligible for new policies. According to a spokesperson, “we have adjusted our admission requirements for new business in certain areas of the country due to the robbery risk that some Hyundai and Kia vehicles present,” which in many cases makes it difficult to insure these vehicles.

Existing policyholders are unaffected by the changes, but they undoubtedly hinder anyone looking to buy a used car and secure insurance. The Drive’s staff contacted a number of additional insurers in various parts of the nation and learned that a number of them were reluctance to issue new policies. Denver news outlets reported that Progressive rejected policies for a Kia Soul, and other cities’ news sources have noted similar outcomes.

Those who don’t completely reject insurance coverage levie higher fees for the privilege. One driver in St. Louis told his local newspaper that Progressive would insure his car but would charge $350 per month.


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